Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Defeat of Jesse James Days

It's almost that time of year already?  Crazy, where has the time went. 
Make sure to stop by our booth Friday and Saturday during Jesse James Days and have your portraits taken.  Anyone is welcome, children, adults and pets.  The best time to visit to avoid long lines if Friday afternoon from 12-3.  You may call or email me with any questions.

Monday, August 27, 2012

So Sorry!

I want to apologize to everyone waiting on viewing their proofs.  Life has been just crazy around here.  I have been swamped with sessions and now today my dad was admitted into the hospital.  He will be having his gall bladder removed tomorrow.  Since Mom passed away last October he may need someone to take care of him for awhile.  I plan to bring my computer with to the hospital tomorrow and try to get some editing done.  I am working as fast as I can trying to get sessions edited.  Thank-you for your understanding.  Please pray that all goes well tomorrow.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Alanna - Faribault Senior

 Oh my goodness, can you say dream session.  Alana is such a beautiful girl with incredible style.  I had so much fun with her!  I am busy editing and it is taking me way to long because for one thing I took way too many pictures and for the other thing I am having so much fun playing with them.  I thought it would be fun to show a picture straight out of my camera and then after I am done editing it.  Photography is not just snapping the picture.  It is the camera, the lens, the lighting and the post editing.  When looking for a photographer please keep all of this in mind.  It is the difference between a pretty picture and a piece of art.

Here is the image straight out of my camera.

Here is the same image after editing.

Here is just a sampling of what I am working on.  I honestly think this girl does not take a bad picture.  I am in trouble with my editing. ha ha

 I loved my bed in the middle of the wild flower field.  I wish they were still in bloom.